Bowl of mixed berries and cottage cheese

15 Low-Calorie Snack Ideas for Weight Loss: Satisfying and Healthy Options to Curb Cravings

Are you determined to shed those extra pounds and embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier you? Incorporating low-calorie snack ideas into your weight loss plan isn’t just about cutting calories; it’s about making informed and sustainable choices that support your well-being and long-term success. 

By establishing realistic expectations and adopting a balanced approach, you can embrace a fulfilling snacking routine that complements your weight loss journey, leading to a healthier and happier version of yourself. Additionally, if you have a health condition affected by diet, such as psoriasis, changing diets can be of great benefit and bring plenty of success.

In this guide, we’ll explore effective strategies to incorporate low-calorie snack ideas into your weight loss plan, ensuring that your path to a healthier lifestyle is both manageable and gratifying.

15 Low-Calorie Snack Ideas for Weight Loss: Satisfying and Healthy Options to Curb Cravings

15 Low-Calorie Snack Ideas for Weight Loss

Here are 15 low-calorie snack ideas for weight loss:

1. Crunchy Veggie Sticks with Hummus

Crunchy veggie sticks and hummus in a bowl


  • Carrots (2 medium-sized)
  • Cucumbers (1 medium-sized)
  • Bell peppers (1 medium-sized, any color)
  • Chickpeas (1 can, drained)
  • Tahini (2 tablespoons)
  • Lemon juice (1 tablespoon)
  • Garlic (1 clove, minced)
  • Olive oil (2 tablespoons)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Wash and peel the carrots. Cut them into sticks.
  2. Wash the cucumber and bell pepper. Cut them into sticks as well.
  3. For the hummus, combine the drained chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, minced garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper in a food processor. Blend until smooth.
  4. Serve the crunchy veggie sticks with the prepared hummus.


2. Greek Yogurt Parfait with Berries and Nuts

Greek yogurt parfait with berries and nuts in a bowl


  • Greek yogurt (1 cup)
  • Mixed berries (1/2 cup, such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries)
  • Mixed nuts (2 tablespoons, chopped)
  • Honey or maple syrup (1 tablespoon, optional)
  • Cinnamon (a pinch, optional)


  1. In a glass or a bowl, layer the Greek yogurt with the mixed berries and chopped nuts.
  2. Drizzle honey or maple syrup and sprinkle cinnamon for added sweetness and flavor.


3. Boiled Eggs with Avocado Slices

Boiled eggs with avocado in a bowl


  • Eggs (2)
  • Avocado (1/2, sliced)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Place the eggs in a pot of water and bring to a boil. Let them boil for 8-10 minutes.
  2. Once boiled, cool the eggs in cold water, peel, and slice them.
  3. Slice the avocado and season with salt and pepper. Serve alongside the boiled eggs.

This one could also serve as a fast breakfast idea for a busy morning.


4. Sliced Apple with Peanut Butter

Sliced apple with a knife


  • Apple (1, any variety)
  • Natural peanut butter (2 tablespoons)


  1. Wash and slice the apple into wedges.
  2. Spread the peanut butter on the apple slices and enjoy.

5. Air-Popped Popcorn with a Sprinkle of Herbs

Airpopped popcorn with a sprinkle of herbs image


  • Popcorn kernels (1/4 cup)
  • Assorted herbs (rosemary, thyme, etc.)
  • Olive oil (1 tablespoon)
  • Salt to taste


  1. Using an air popper, pop the popcorn kernels until fully popped.
  2. Drizzle olive oil and sprinkle the assorted herbs and salt over the popcorn.


6. Mixed Berries and Cottage Cheese

Bowl of mixed berries and cottage cheese


  • Cottage cheese (1/2 cup)
  • Mixed berries (1/2 cup, such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries)


  1. In a bowl, combine the cottage cheese with the mixed berries.
  2. Mix gently and enjoy the creamy and fruity combination.

This one is an easy example of beneficial mindful eating.

7. Whole Grain Crackers with Low-Fat Cheese

Whole grain crackers with low fat cheese on table


  • Whole grain crackers (5-6)
  • Low-fat cheese slices (2-3)


  1. Arrange the whole grain crackers on a plate.
  2. Place slices of low-fat cheese on top of the crackers and serve.


8. Homemade Trail Mix with Nuts and Dried Fruits

Homemade trail mix with nuts and dried fruits being prepared


  • Almonds (1/4 cup)
  • Walnuts (1/4 cup)
  • Raisins (1/4 cup)
  • Dried apricots (1/4 cup)


  1. In a bowl, combine the almonds, walnuts, raisins, and dried apricots.
  2. Mix well to create your personalized trail mix.


9. Sliced Cucumbers with Tzatziki Dip

Sliced cucumbers with tzatziki dip in bowl


  • Cucumber (1, medium-sized)
  • Greek yogurt (1/2 cup)
  • Cucumber (1/2, grated and drained)
  • Garlic (1 clove, minced)
  • Lemon juice (1 tablespoon)
  • Fresh dill (1 tablespoon, chopped)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Slice the cucumber into rounds or sticks.
  2. For the tzatziki dip, mix Greek yogurt, grated and drained cucumber, minced garlic, lemon juice, chopped dill, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Stir well.
  3. Serve the cucumber slices with the tzatziki dip.


10. Baked Sweet Potato Chips

Basked sweet potato crisps in bowl


  • Sweet potatoes (2, medium-sized)
  • Olive oil (2 tablespoons)
  • Salt to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Wash and peel the sweet potatoes, then slice them thinly.
  3. Toss the sweet potato slices with olive oil and salt.
  4. Arrange them on a baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes or until crispy.

When buying instead of making your own potato chips, you should always check the food labels for added salts.


11. Edamame with Sea Salt

Edamame with sea salt in a bowl


  • Edamame pods (1 cup)
  • Sea salt to taste


  1. Boil or steam the edamame pods according to package instructions.
  2. Drain and sprinkle with sea salt for added flavor.


12. Smoothie with Spinach and Frozen Fruits

Smoothie with spinach and frozen fruits together


  • Spinach (1 cup)
  • Frozen mixed fruits (1 cup, such as berries or tropical fruits)
  • Almond milk or any preferred liquid (1/2 cup)
  • Honey or maple syrup (1 tablespoon, optional)


  1. Blend spinach, frozen fruits, and almond milk until smooth.
  2. Add honey or maple syrup if desired for extra sweetness.


13. Rice Cakes with Almond Butter

Homemade rice cakes with cubed almond butter


  • Rice cakes (2-3)
  • Almond butter (2 tablespoons)


  1. Spread almond butter evenly on the rice cakes.
  2. Enjoy the satisfying and crunchy combination.


14. Celery Sticks with Hummus and Sunflower Seeds

Celery sticks with hummus and sunflower seeds on display


  • Celery stalks (2-3)
  • Hummus (1/4 cup)
  • Sunflower seeds (1 tablespoon)


  1. Wash and cut the celery into sticks.
  2. Fill the celery sticks with hummus and sprinkle sunflower seeds on top.


15. Steamed Edamame Beans with a Dash of Soy Sauce

Steamed edamame beans with a dash of soy sauce and some rice


  • Edamame beans (1 cup)
  • Soy sauce (1-2 teaspoons)


  1. Steam the edamame beans according to package instructions.
  2. Drizzle soy sauce over the steamed edamame beans for a savory touch.


Tips for Incorporating Low-Calorie Snack Ideas into a Weight Loss Plan

Tip 1: Prepare Snacks in Advance for Busy Schedules

Schedule a specific time each week to prepare snacks in bulk, ensuring you have healthy options readily available when hunger strikes. Portion snacks into individual containers to grab on the go, making it easier to avoid unhealthy choices during hectic days.

Here’s a sample chart that you can customize based on your own preferences and dietary requirements. All you have to do is ensure that you have a variety of nutritious snacks readily available throughout the week.

Day of the Week Snack Option 1 Snack Option 2 Snack Option 3
Monday Carrot Sticks with Hummus Greek Yoghort Parfait Boiled Eggs
Tuesday Sliced Apple with Peanut Butter Air-Popped Popcorn Mixed Berries and Cottage Cheese
Wednesday Whole Grain Crackers with Low-Fat Cheese Homemade Trail Mix Sliced Cucumbers with Tzatziki Dip
Thursday Baked Sweet Potato Chips Edamame with Sea Salt Smoothie with Spinach and Frozen Fruits
Friday Rice Cakes with Almond Butter Celery Sticks with Hummus and Sunflower Seeds Steamed Edamame Beans with Soy Sauce


Tip 2: Plan Portion Sizes and Calorie Counts for your Low-Calorie Snack Ideas

For planning portion sizes and counting calories

The following chart shows how you can track portion sizes and calorie counts for each snack. This way, you are always a step ahead in making informed choices to meet your dietary goals.

Snack Option Portion Size Calories Notes
Crunchy Veggie Sticks 1 cup   50 Includes carrots, cucumbers, peppers
Greek Yogurt Parfait  1 serving 150 Includes yogurt, berries, and nuts 
Boiled Eggs with Avocado 1 serving 200 Includes 2 boiled eggs and ½ avocado
Sliced Apple with PB 1 apple + 2 tbsp 200 Includes one medium apple and peanut butter
Air-Popped Popcorn 2 cups 60 Plain air-popped popcorn
Mixed Berries & Cheese 1 cup 120 Cottage cheese and mixed berries
Whole Grain Crackers  5 crackers 100 Including low fat cheese slices
Trail Mix      ¼ cup 180 Mix of almonds, walnuts, and dried fruits
Sliced Cucumbers with Dip 1 cup + 2 tbsp 60 Tzatziki dip and cucumber slices

Tip #3: Incorporate Low-Calorie Snack Ideas Strategically to Avoid Overeating During Meals

Time your snacks wisely, aiming for one between meals to prevent overeating during main meals. Pair snacks with a source of protein or fiber to promote satiety and prevent excessive hunger.

The following table can serve as a guide for you to strategically plan your snacks throughout the day, considering the timing and the benefits of each snack option in supporting your overall health and wellness goals.

Snack Timing Snack Option Benefits
Mid-morning Greek Yogurt Parfait   Satisfies sweet cravings and provides sustained energy
Afternoon Whole Grain Crackers with Low-Fat Cheese Helps maintain satiety and provides a combination of carbohydrates and protein
Late-afternoon Mixed Berries and Cottage Cheese Provides antioxidants and protein for long-lasting energy
Pre-workout Sliced Apple with Peanut Butter Offers a balance of natural sugars and healthy fats for sustained energy
Evening Steamed Edamame Beans with Soy Sauce Low in calories, high in protein, and provides a savory flavor


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