The 2020 NFL Season begins as our country battles the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Super Bowl seems like an eternity ago and was one of the last major sporting events pre-pandemic. From a football fan perspective, the upcoming football season is a welcome relief. We are more than ready to watch our favorite team battle it out over the next several months.
2020 NFL Season Begins
The 2020 NFL Season begins with a very different feel this year. In our past Game Day Menu pieces, we have brought you tailgating ideas geared toward big crowds at home. Hosting the weekly gathering for all of your friends and family made you one of the most popular people around. You even got a rep in your neighborhood as “that guy” who’s up at the crack of dawn lighting the grill on game day before most people had their first cup of coffee.
This season, however, you face a whole different set of hurdles as you plan your tailgate parties. The 2020 NFL Season begins with a focus on proper social distancing for you and your guests. Will you be able to host the same amount of people safely? Can you move your guests to an outside setting that will provide a safer environment? Will you even host tailgate parties this season? These are just some of the questions facing us today as the 2020 NFL season begins. Despite all the issues, we will be bringing you our weekly Game Day Menus this season.
2020 NFL Season Begins With Pork Chops
Grilling pork chops is one of the easiest items to have on your Game Day Menu. They come in many varieties and can be bone-in or boneless. Today we are featuring bone-in pork chops. There is something about grabbing a chop by the bone and munching away. It brings out our inner caveman as we enjoy the tasty meat off of the bone, pausing only at the end to wipe BBQ sauce off of our faces.
Pork Chops List
- 4-10 bone-in pork chops
- Burnt Finger BBQ Smokey KC Barbecue Rub
- Optional – Lawry’s Seasoning Salt, pepper, Cajun spice, granulated garlic
- Your favorite BBQ sauce
We listed the Burnt Finger BBQ Rub first since it is one of the best rubs around for pork. The other seasonings are optional and can be added to the chops if you choose.
You will be setting up your grill with 20-25 charcoal briquettes piled up in the center. The chops will be grilled off to the side away from direct heat. They do not take long to grill and will need to be watched carefully as they can overcook easily. Thicker more “manly” chops will of course take longer to grill. For these, you may want to use a meat thermometer to get them done properly. recommends removing the chops when their internal temperature reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

Season your chops on both sides and place them on the grill in a circle around the coals. Close the lid and let them sit for 7-10 minutes. You will then flip the chops over and allow them another 7-10 minutes. After this, it is at this time you need to be vigilant on the “doneness” of your chops. Continue to flip your chops so they grill evenly. As they approach the desired 145 degrees finish, you will want to slather on your favorite BBQ sauce on both sides for the last 10 minutes on the grill.
Remove the chops when done and place on a platter. Cover the chops with a piece of aluminum foil and let them rest for 5-10 minutes before serving.

Grilled Corn On The Cob
It is the peak of fresh corn on the cob season. Most grocery stores have them on sale now and they make an incredible side dish to your chops. Today we are going to bring you a different way to grill your corn on the cob. It will require a bit more prep work but the results are incredible.
What You Will Need
- 4-10 ears of corn
- salt and pepper
- grated parmesan cheese (optional)
- room temperature butter
- aluminum foil
Take your ears of corn and remove the husks and all of the corn silk from the ears. Tear off a 12-15 inch long sheet of aluminum foil. Place an ear of corn near one end of the sheet and give it a good smear with the butter. Sprinkle on the salt, pepper, and grated parmesan cheese (optional) and then roll up the corn in the foil creating a seal all around. Repeat this process for all of the ears of corn.

You will be grilling your corn directly over your coals. The corn can be rolled across your grate while it grills so it cooks evenly. The corn should take only 15-20 minutes to finish so keep an eye on them! If you are waiting for your chops to finish you can move the corn to the outside of the grate so they do not overcook or get burned.

When ready, remove the corn and allow them to rest for 5-10 minutes. To serve, carefully unroll the corn with an oven mitt so you do not get steamed fingers. Your guests may also need more butter or salt & pepper so have that ready.

A Healthier Option Side Dish
We occasionally have side dishes that are healthy to go alongside our grilled features. Today we have our Cheesy Broccoli to accompany our chops and corn on the cob. This is an easy and “semi-healthy” side dish to make. Like corn on the cob, broccoli is in season now and can be found everywhere. It is the perfect addition to your menu that will probably make your guests wonder what happened to you in the off-season. Just tell them you are concerned about them but can leave the butter and cheddar cheese off if they want!
Cheesy Broccoli List
- two heads of broccoli florets
- 1/2 to 3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
- two tablespoons of butter
- salt, pepper, granulated garlic
Cut the broccoli florets into bite-size pieces. You can also cut up any stems once you have trimmed the bottom of the broccoli head. Place the broccoli pieces into a large pot and add in water up to an inch deep. Sprinkle about a teaspoon of salt over the broccoli, cover the pot, and turn the burner on medium-high.
Allow the broccoli to steam while boiling for a few minutes then turn the burner to low for another 10 minutes. At this point, the broccoli should be fork tender. Drain all of the water from the pot and add in the butter. Allow that to melt, stir, then season to taste with some salt, pepper, and granulated garlic. Place the steamy broccoli into a serving bowl and sprinkle on the cheddar cheese. Wait a few minutes until the cheese is melted, then serve with your chops and corn. Your guests will be amazed at the incredible flavor and maybe even thankful for a rare semi-healthy option at your tailgate party.

The NFL Season Begins Carefully
Today we kicked off our 2020 Game Day Menu series with an easy and tasty tailgate menu. Whether you are limiting your parties to just family or a smaller group than usual, we will be bringing you some delicious menus over the next few months. This season will be like no other for those of us who host weekly football viewing parties. Let’s be safe people, maintain social distancing, and use curbside pickup whenever possible!